jueves, 6 de enero de 2011

Wall street against the factory

Office's and comercial building in the industrial area / Palma / Picture: Federico Climent

Cuando las naves industriales son sustituidas por  edificios con fachadas de vidrios oscuros, revestidas de mármoles brillantes, exhibiendo rótulos luminosos de grandes proporciones, es el claro síntoma del distanciamiento de la economía real y productiva para dejar paso a otra menos transparente, puramente comercial y financiera, es decir ficticia y especulativa.

When the industrial buildings are replaced by buildings with dark glasses and brilliant marbles, exhibiting big luminous labels, it is the clear symptom of the distancing of the real and productive economy to open way for another one, without transparency, purely commercial and financial, just fictitious and speculative.

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